Optimized renovation process with a focus on improving the client experience at Adserballe & Knudsen project
Adserballe & Knudsen has adopted a groundbreaking approach to their latest renovation project. The public housing development Ringparken in Roskilde includes 600 residences spread across 24 blocks. The renovation is divided into three stages, with approximately half of the residents relocated during stages 2 and 3. Adserballe & Knudsen has aimed for optimal project management and improved communication by integrating the Exicute app (Tactplan Control) into the process.
Complete transparency
Exicute has quickly established itself as a cornerstone in the project, and its function as an open platform has facilitated the exchange of crucial information. All involved parties have access to the project schedule and progress, creating an environment of complete transparency.
A crucial app strength is its filtering capacity, allowing tailored information transfer to specific actors. This benefits both subcontractors, who can access a filtered schedule and an overview of deliveries, but especially the client, who has the opportunity to filter information that can be communicated to residents.
Ensures safety and security for the residents
The client's resident coordinator can extract information directly from Exicute about when windows in specific apartments need replacement or when particular residents need temporary relocation. She stays updated on actual progress and can notify residents well before changes, such as window replacement in their apartment, etc. In case of inquiries and questions from residents, she can log into the app and respond immediately. This functionality enhances communication efficiency and ensures resident satisfaction and security throughout the renovation process.
Også bygherres byggeleder anvender appen. Med adgang til kritiske data om fremdrift, kan han skabe et grundlag for præcis planlægning for effektiv tilsynsføring. For eksempel kan byggelederen nu informere tilsynsteamet om nøjagtige tidspunkter for tilsyn i specifikke lejligheder eller områder. Mere effektive og præcise tilsynsforløb giver bygherre en potentiel økonomisk besparelse.
Easier coordination
By implementing a digital platform like Exicute, the contractors have demonstrated how modern technology can revolutionize project management and improve client experience. The experiences from this project indicate the possibilities to optimize future renovation projects by integrating digital tools like Exicute, thereby ensuring the client's needs and satisfaction.
The client has expressed great satisfaction with the increased transparency and the ability for quick and accurate communication. The app continues to function as a central source of information, facilitating coordination between contractors, subcontractors, and clients.
Client on the project states
"There is no doubt that schedule management through Exicute and the insight we can gather from the app make us as a client more 'independent' in supervisory planning and responding to residents. It supports and facilitates the collaboration between us and the contractor, as we can refer to and 'look into the same system.' We do not risk looking into 'different and uneven schedules,' but, for the benefit of everyone, have possible updates simultaneously."
Malene Madrid Poulsen, Project Manager, Construction, Boligselskabet Sjælland.
Adserballe & Knudsen used the app Exicute for progress tracking and follow-up on the project. Exicute has subsequently changed its name to Tactplan Control. Learn more about Tactplan Control here.
- Company: Adserballe & Knudsen
- Web: http://www.aogk.dk
- Industry: Entreprenør virksomhed