
Sustainability and Digitalization

Sustainability is a positive byproduct of digitalization

With digitalization, we have been given a set of methods that optimize our construction process in terms of time, cost, and quality. What has proven to be a positive byproduct of several of these methods is that they also result in significantly lower CO2 emissions. For example, one of the methods can reduce your CO2 emissions related to construction site operations by up to 20%.

We can train you and your team if you wish to actively work with these methods and their documentation. However, if you prefer to focus on other aspects of your business, you can also ask us to perform these methods and documentation.

Read more about sustainability and digitalization here on this page.

Also, read about Tactplan Control dashboards that provide an overview of time and resources in the construction process. here..

"Better planning can always improve construction, including sustainability. In my experience, this improvement comes from having fewer 'oops' moments. Concerning sustainability, more focus needs to be placed on the design phase and thinking differently, where you start designing according to the 3M principles and utilize the standard measurements of building materials. This can help avoid significant waste in the construction industry."

Thomas Høyer Andersen

Partner, CML Construction


Tre effektive indsatsområder

  1. LCA
    - Life Cycle Assessment calculations based on BIM (Building Information Modeling).
  2. Less waste with better construction management - Location-based Scheduling.
  3. Optimize time and save the environment from unnecessary CO2emissions.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a calculation method that can be used to assess the environmental impact of a construction project. The calculation includes the construction as a product, the services performed during construction, and the associated resource consumption.

LCA is included in European standards for sustainable construction, the 'Construction Products Regulation' (CPR), and certification schemes for sustainable construction. LCA is also a focus area for sustainable building in the government's political strategy since 2014.

Life cycle assessment

LCA calculation based on quantities from
3D building models

As something new, Exigo bases the LCA calculation on quantity extractions from 3D building models. This allows for an efficient and highly accurate LCA calculation.

En LCA-beregning udført forud for byggeriets udførelse, kan anvendes både til overblikskabelse og optimering af et byggeris miljøpåvirkning. En beregning efter udført byggeri kan dokumentere byggeriet både som “produkt” (miljøpåvirkning fra ressourceforbrug ifm. materialevalg) og proces (miljøpåvirkning fra services ifm. udførelse).

The result of the climate calculation is a detailed report that explains the building's CO2 emissions.

We can help you ensure that the quantities related to your project are correct. Read about our quantity verification. here..

Reduce the time in your construction project and save on CO2emission.

Bæredygtighed i byggebranchen er ikke kun fokuseret på materialerne. Der er en direkte årsagssammenhæng mellem kvaliteten af udførelsesplanlægningen for et byggeprojekt og projektets spild og CO2emission.

If the planning of a construction project is a linear and inefficient process, the execution will also be inefficient, resulting in significant waste of materials, time, and resources. This, in the end, leads to a much higher CO2 emission than necessary.

Therefore, accepting the current industry trend of deadline overruns in construction projects is a direct acceptance of unnecessary high CO2emissions.

At Exigo, we work on optimizing the construction process and scheduling. On average, we save our customers around 20% of the planned time allocated for a construction project. Translated into days or even months saved, it means less time the construction site has to run at full capacity. And this reduction positively affects the CO2footprint.

optimering af byggeprocessen og tidsplanlægningen
Co2 reduktion på byggepladsen

We are also happy to assist you.

There are many stakeholders in the field of sustainability in construction. We can help you navigate all the possibilities and present you with initiatives that have proven to reduce the CO2 emissions on your construction site.

We'd be happy to come by for a non-binding conversation where you can leverage our expertise and receive guidance regarding your construction project.

Skriv eller ring til Kristina Ekkersgaard, så booker hun et møde i kalenderen til dig: 53 55 59 05 eller ke@exigo.dk