New Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark

A brief overview of the project

Region Nordjylland is constructing a new university hospital spanning over 170,000 m2, including service buildings. The hospital is being built in Aalborg East, west of Hadsund Landevej. The construction of the upcoming university hospital enables the consolidation of most services and functions currently located at Aalborg University Hospital.

This is where Exigo has provided assistance

Exigo has been an integral part of the construction management throughout the project, supporting the client's quality assurance of digital tender material, as well as the client's digital management of time (4D) and cost (5D) for around 80 concurrent contracts.

✓ Quality assurance of digital tender material, including clash detection, bid lists, quantities, and 3D models.

✓ Utilizing BIM data for risk assessments related to hazardous work, work at heights, and coordinating interdisciplinary coordination.

✓ Contribution to tender material in connection with the tendering of contracts for the purpose of Location-based Scheduling and BIM-driven time and cost management (4D, 5D).

✓ Implementing a digital reporting tool for progress reporting and analysis of the project's actual advancement. Supported by as-built video documentation.

✓ Actual progress is compared with planned progress, forming the basis for obstacle and deviation management and initiating corrective measures.

✓ Managing interim settlements with project stakeholders. Utilized 5D cost management and visualized progress and status through BI dashboards for the client's overview. They were applied as digital reporting to the National Audit Office.

✓ Planning commissioning and occupancy, including the coordination of performance testing, final inspection, and initiation across functional areas.


This is what the client says

”(..) Det er en helt ny form for ekstern kontrol, når bygherre inden udbud kvalitetssikrer

bygbarheden og konsistensen af udbudsmaterialet. Det virker rigtig godt, og man undgår
derved at skulle skaffe ekstra penge til projektet, når det er under udførelse (..)”

”(..) Med så store projekter, koster det hurtigt millioner når tidsplanen skrider, så udgiften til
at anvende denne metode (lokationsbaseret 4D og 5D) kommer hurtigt hjem igen i besparelser (..)”

Niels Uhrenfeldt, Fhv. Projektdirektør 


Det siger byggeledelsen

Former project manager at Niras, Poul Arendrup, says about location-based scheduling:

"With such a large project as the one in Aalborg, and with so many contractors on-site simultaneously, a robust management tool is crucial to maintain control."
"According to Poul Arndrup, traditional planning methods are insufficient for a large project like Aalborg. 'It is a must that we can plan based on locations. Otherwise, we lose control. If you must consume an elephant, it is necessary to divide it into smaller pieces. We can do that with Location-based Scheduling,' explains Poul Arndrup." 

Learn more about Exigo's services

Project and Risk Management

Location-based Scheduling

5D Construction Cost Management 

Client:: Region Nordjylland
Size: 170.000 kvm
The total budget of the project: 4,9 mia. DKK