Tjente 85.000 dkk til projektet på 5 minutter i skurvognen


`Hvad der er sparet – det er tjent´, siger et gammelt dansk ordsprog. På blot 5 min i skurvognen afværgede Kristine Ann Barnes en ekstraregning til projektet på 85.000 dkk fra en fagentreprenør, ved at have hendes lokationsbaserede tidsplan og stadedokumentation 100% i orden. Præcise registreringer giver færre konflikter på byggepladsen, og giver i stedet plads til det gode samarbejde, hvor alle kan holde deres akkord.

First moover med lokationsbaseret tidsplanlægning

Kristine Ann Barnes is a heavyweight in the Danish construction industry regarding scheduling. She was a "first mover" in the use of location-based planning on a construction project back in 2006 but truly began in 2008 when she, along with a few colleagues, introduced and implemented the method at MT Højgaard. Since then, she has continued working on planning and optimizing processes in construction with several significant players on the contractor side. Currently, she is a process consultant focusing on Location-based Planning at Niras.

The most important tool in her digital toolbox

Kristine has spent her days on hundreds of Danish construction sites over the years. The most important tool in her digital toolbox is location-based planning and the new Tactplan Mobile app from Exigo for progress reporting. On her LinkedIn profile, Kristine describes some of the advantages of Location-based Scheduling:

"Location-based Scheduling results in better mutual understanding and therefore fewer conflicts in the execution phase. It provides a much better overview of the construction process than any other tool." 

Kristine continues:

"We achieve a better flow, eliminate waste, and find optimization opportunities. There is no project where it cannot be used! It certainly comes naturally in residential construction, but it also works for complex commercial construction with few or no repetitions. And usually beyond expectations!" 

New app for progress and status reporting

Kristine has conducted progress reporting at the construction site Hans Knudsens Plads for Gefion Group in the last few months using the new app Tactplan Mobile. The registrations are sent from the app back to Kristine's Location-based Schedule in Tactplan Schedule software.

"Site status has been a challenge in the past. I used the follow-up form from Schedule Planner for progress reporting and construction meetings. Red = behind. Green = completed. I printed everything out and carried it with me along with a floor plan where I noted my registrations. In the evening when I entered my new data on my PC in the office, I must admit that I often sat there thinking, 'Oops... Did I actually check the ventilation on the fifth floor?' And then I either have to guess or drive back to the construction site and check again. With the new app, I enter the status while I'm on the site.

Earned 85,000 DKK for the project in 5 minutes in the trailer  

Kristine experienced on another construction project that a trade contractor came rushing with an additional bill of 85,000 DKK. He claimed that he had lost that money because the electrician before him wasn't finished at the agreed time, so he and his people had to go home again.

Kristine laughs: ”Byggepladsen kan være det vilde vesten indimellem. De enkelte fagentreprenører vil gerne fakturere mest muligt – hurtigst muligt. Og det er helt ok, sådan er gamet. ”Går den – så går den.”

Jeg fandt min tidsplan og mine staderegistreringer frem. Han påstod, at det drejede sig om 1. sal i opgang A ugen forinden. Men her kunne jeg dokumentere over for ham, at elektrikeren faktisk var færdig 5 dage før, så der havde været masser af tid og plads til ham og hans folk. Men han gav ikke op så let, og buldrede videre. – Så var det 2. sal i opgang B i stedet for. Men også her, kunne jeg dokumentere, at den foregående entreprenør var færdig til tiden, og at der havde været tid og plads til ham. Jeg konfronterede ham nu med de ”huller”, hvor han burde have været på byggepladsen, og det viste sig, at fagentreprenøren og hans folk, havde været på en anden byggeplads de dage.”

Kristine could reject the additional bill and at the same time tease him about his delay.

Præcise registreringer og dokumentation stiller mig i en meget stærk position

"The time when I make my reporting is automatically recorded in the app. This means that when the painter, for example, comes and says he is behind because the carpenter wasn't finished on time, I can look at the app and tell him that the carpenter was finished on time last Wednesday when I made my site registration at 11:05. I can show him pictures of the finished floor, and at the same time, I can show him what consequence his delay has for the move-in date. This type of documentation puts me in a very strong position as a process leader." And when the documentation is black on white, there are far fewer discussions about the status, which promotes good collaboration on the site."

The great flow

Kristine tells of an episode with a carpenter on another construction project. He was everywhere at once, and he didn't care about Kristine's Location-based Schedule. He had workers going on in all 30 apartments simultaneously, and it had significant consequences for the bricklayers and painters who came after him.

"The carpenter thought he was wildly efficient; after all, he had people spread out all over the construction site. But in the big picture, he needed to be more efficient. On the contrary, the good rhythm, flow, and collaboration between the trades were destroyed. The bricklayer and the painter tried to adapt their work to the carpenter, but they were extremely frustrated because he was everywhere, and his work was only halfway done."

Transparency and good collaboration

”Når man arbejder med den lokationsbaserede tidsplan, er alle nødt til at hoppe ombord på det samme tog. – Og når alle så gør det, er det sindsygt effektivt. Med lokationsbaseret tidsplanlægning og appen Exicute fra Exigo, er der mindre diskussionsklub. Jeg har min dokumentation 100% i orden – og hvis nogen er tvivl om noget – kan de selv logge ind og følge med, det giver en gennemsigtighed i fremdriften.

And that's great! Then we can concentrate on doing a good job together that we can all be proud of, in a good working environment on the site where everyone can keep their accord.

Jeg kan varmt anbefale lokationsbaseret tidsplanlægning og Exicute. Investeringen i software og app er hurtig tjent ind. – Jeg ”tjente” 85.000 til projektet på 5 minutter med fagentreprenøren i skurvognen, og det er bare ét af mange eksempler.”