Location-Based Planning

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Location-Based Planning


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Reduce construction time by 10%

Traditional planning methods (such as Gantt) make it difficult to tell whether a schedule is good or not. The craftsmen often start where there is room, which is why some areas are overcrowded with workers while others are gaping. Therefore, it is important to focus on time management.

With time management in the form of location-based planning, you can reduce execution time by at least 10% – without increasing resource consumption. You get a clear overview of time and activities by location. You can start multiple activities at different locations in the building at the same time, and your schedule does not take up more space than an A3 sheet.

In the Building Supply magazine, you can read about a variety of cases where Danish contractors have success using the location-based scheduling. You will find these here.

5 typical errors in the schedules

We have been assisting contractors in location-based planning for many years and have compiled an overview of the most common scheduling errors. You will find them here: “5 typical errors in schedules“.

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Egil Rasmussen A/S, Taulov

“We will introduce the method in all our construction projects from now on. In my view, location-based scheduling in combination with the quantity planner is the optimal way to keep a schedule.”



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A safe investment

Time management and location-based planning (also referred to as cyclogram planning) are undoubtedly the best investment for you as a contractor – they provide a much more rational flow of activities. That saves time and money.

Depending on your wishes and needs we can help you in different ways.

1. We do it for you

We convert your Gantt schedule to the location-based schedule and analyze and optimize the schedule, workforce, and workflow. Then we regularly update the schedule during the construction period with the data you provide.

2. Kickstart – We help you get started

We convert your Gantt schedule as a one-time performance into the location-based schedule. Then you take the schedule yourself, invest in location-based scheduling software, and continuously update the schedule during the construction period with the work actually being done.

Most people choose the teaching form “Accompanying Training” when they start with a location-based scheduling. Based on the project that we have set up for you, we help you – e.g. over the web – 1-2 times a week. We do that for as long as you need it.

3. You do it yourself – we help you with the start

You invest in location-based planning software and are continuously trained by us. We will usually meet with you and, together, transform your Gantt schedule into a location-based schedule that you update yourself during the construction period with the actual work done.

As in solution 2, we then offer lessons as “Accompanying Training” via the web. In this way, we make sure that you get along well on your own.

Visit our website www.Tactplan.com to learn more about our software offerings.

You can also visit the training site at Tactplan.com, where a series of videos guide you through the creation and optimization of a location-based schedule.

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[av_testimonial_single src=’8225′ name=’Kent Poulsen’ subtitle=’construction manager’ link=’http://’ linktext=” av_uid=’av-1iiawu4′]

Arne Andersen – Vrå A/S

“It has been my experience that it allows construction workers to have a better working environment when a plan has been set for the work of each area at a given time. So everyone can save money. The implementation of LBS is part of our Lean strategy.”



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From Gantt to the Cyclogram

When you convert your Gantt schedule (for example, MS) to a cyclogram, you first divide it into locations (for example, apartments). Then you can read the challenges that the timetable contains (see also figure below).

  1. Challenge: Crossing lines illustrate colliding construction workers. Several units work simultaneously in the same place.
  2. Challenge: A large gap between the lines indicates that the job site is not operating as optimally as it could be.
  3. Challenge: The broken red line indicates that the work of the electrician is interrupted again and again – they have to wait for the painter. Fewer electricians are needed.

When Challenges 1, 2 and 3 are resolved, the location is used optimally because there are no colliding employees and employees are working smoothly.

Read more about the challenges in Gantt-schedules that are easily spotted and resolved using location-based planning.

Did you know that setting up schedules in a cyclogram is four times faster than creating a Gantt schedule?

We already have many satisfied customers who take advantage of location-based planning.

You can try the method with our free excel template that you can download here.

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[av_testimonial_single src=’8226′ name=’Kent Schöler’ subtitle=’Project Manager’ link=’http://’ linktext=” av_uid=’av-15lbddo’]

Fast operation

“I think the Vico Schedule Planner is a very powerful tool, also next to Gantt. I get an overview of unfortunately planned tasks and cast and can correct them in time. I can read it directly in the bottom line.“


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Time control with or without 3D

If you want, a 3D model can be linked to your schedule. Next, 4D simulations of the schedule can be created, which, among other things, simplifies the communication of a complex schedule throughout the enterprise. Both owners and subcontractors and users can better understand a visual schedule than a complex Gantt schedule. Apart from that is a 4D simulation a good tool to illustrate the plan for safety and health.

Once the 3D model and schedule are integrated, we can build an integration between the 3D model’s quantity extraction, pricing, site splitting, employee graphics, schedules, and cash flow. This is a fully integrated BIM workflow.


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Enemærke & Petersen A/S

“I do not think I could create the same overview without using location-based planning. The planning method and the use of Vico Control is, in my opinion, the only correct way to create an overview and flow in the building production.”



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Start with the location-based planning

Significantly reduce execution time, save money, and provide peace of mind with location-based planning. At Exigo we are ready to help you. Contact us and we will find out how we can help you.

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